Division Visiting Days
Visiting Schodack this Summer
We are excited to see our campers, families, staff, and alumni this summer. While this is not the way we hoped 2020 would look, we cannot stand being away from you all summer. Since your health and safety are most important to us, please see the details below.
We would like to invite each 2020 Age Division to camp for a day similar to Visiting Day:
- Families are invited to visit between 11 AM and 4 PM
- Parents/guardians are responsible for being with their own children. Campers, parents, and siblings are welcome! Immediate family only. We discourage carpooling.
- These days will not be staffed at activities.
- We have plenty of room to spread out on blankets and picnic tables. We will be outdoors and camp will be set up with physical distancing in mind.
- We will follow all current NYS safety guidelines (we will share specifics guidelines as we get closer to the days at camp).
2020 Age Group Visits:
Saturday, July 25th — Junior Boys (entering 2nd – 5th grades)
Sunday, July 26th — Junior Girls (entering 2nd – 5th grades)
Saturday, August 1st — Middle Girls (entering 6th and 7th grades)
Sunday, August 2nd — Middle Boys (entering 6th and 7th grades)
Saturday, August 8th — Upper Boys (entering 8th and 9th grades)
Sunday, August 9th — Upper Girls (entering 8th and 9th grades)
Saturday, August 15th — First Year LTs (entering 10th grade)
Sunday, August 16th — Second Year LTs (entering 11th grade)
- The following activities will be available: Tennis, Field Sports, Hiking, Basketball, Pool (12pm – 3pm), and Lawn Games.
- Campers will travel with their family and have their parent/guardian with them at all times.
- Bring your own lunch and snacks! My Place is open for take-out or bring a picnic lunch.
- Our kitchen is not open, but we will have some pre-packaged snacks and water available.
- We encourage families to bring blankets/chairs to set up (similar to Visiting Day).
- Afternoon canteen will be served at 3 PM.
- Please note that we are a nut-free facility.
Safety Guidelines
- We know that every family has their own boundaries. It will be hard, but for safety reasons, please refrain from hugging, shaking hands, sharing items, etc.
- We respectfully ask that if any family members have had any symptoms related to Covid-19 within 14 days prior to this event that you call us in advance to discuss.
- You will be required to sign a safety waiver prior to the camp day – Click here to complete
- We will not have a nurse at camp. We will have some basic first aid supplies.
- Masks will be necessary when inside or when social distancing isn’t possible.
Additional Notes
- We will have bathrooms and bunks available for use of facilities and changing, if necessary.
- We will ensure we have proper handwashing supplies (soap, disposable paper towels, and hand sanitizer)
- RSVP is required. Please click here
For families that are not able to attend their camper’s specific Division Visiting Day, we are happy to offer Individual Family Visits. Please email Rachel to arrange it.
- This is available to current families, alumni, staff, and any families interested in learning more about Schodack.
- Please reach out to discuss dates and timing if you are not able to attend the scheduled date.
- Please note that due to guidelines around physical distancing, these events will be postponed or rescheduled in the event of rain. Any changes will be announced before the date.
Please complete our safety form prior to your arrival. CLICK HERE to fill it out online.