Where are Schodack campers from?
Campers from Schodack meet and make friends with children from many different places. We have variety in our geographic distribution with campers from New England, Westchester County, Manhattan, New Jersey, Connecticut, Long Island, Virginia, DC, Florida, eight other states and overseas. Schodack campers come from all over!
Will Schodack remain at the current small number of 140 boys and 140 girls?
Absolutely. Our small size enables us to be personally involved with all the campers and parents and it is why everyone feels the warm family atmosphere throughout camp.
Why does Schodack have camp shirts?
This tradition reflects our philosophy of keeping camp simple and minimizing social pressure on children, especially middle and upper campers. In the morning there is no worry over ‘what should I wear today.’ In the evening, campers wear everyday clothes.
How does the full, seven week season
compare with the three and a half week
We offer a full season or single session option right up until our campers are entering high school. While many campers choose a single session for their first summer at camp, a majority of our campers extend to the full season in future summers. Both are wonderful options and we are happy to discuss your choice with you.
We want a three and a half week session. Which session is best?
Each session has its own feel and flow and there are advantages to each. Since there are so many factors to consider, a conversation with us will help you decide.
How often can I call camp?
Parents are encouraged to call and speak to us whenever they feel the need to check in on how their child is doing. Parents appreciate how sincere we are in welcoming these calls and how well we know their child. We have a scheduled weekly phone time for campers to call their parents.
Schodack is a coed camp. What does that mean?
All daily activity periods are scheduled by bunk, so they are single sex. Girls and boys participate equally in all activities at Schodack and are scheduled for the same amount of time in all team, individual and water sports and creative activities.
Camper choice periods are coed. At these times, counselors supervise all activities at camp and campers are free to go to any area they wish for more participation time there. The whole camp eats together, a very spirited and positive time at camp. Campers sit at a table with their bunkmates and bunk counselors.
Nighttime activities are usually coed and divided into three age groups: junior, middle, and upper camp.
Tell us about the lake.
All of our lake activities take place on beautiful Burden Lake, a 370-acre lake located just a few miles from camp. Our lake program is one of Schodack’s most popular activities and each bunk has scheduled time at the lake each week and the opportunity to sign-up for additional time as well.
Our lakefront activities include waterskiing, wakeboarding, kneeboarding, banana boating, paddleboats, paddleboards, canoeing, kayaking and fishing.
How many counselors are there per cabin?
There are 2-3 bunk counselors plus a group leader for each cabin of 8-14 campers. Our counselors live in the cabin with the campers, accompany them to all activities, eat with them, and put them to bed at night. Being together from morning until bedtime develops strong relationships between campers and counselors. Campers love having their own bunk counselors who know them so well and who are always there to share their achievements and help them develop skills, independence, and self-esteem.
In addition to the bunk counselors and group leaders, we have 45 activity counselors who instruct at specific areas. These activity counselors are also each assigned to a bunk for even more supervision. Our head staff includes 7 division heads for boys and girls, a director of special events, and 3 activity counselor supervisors including our athletic director. Our medical staff consists of a pediatrician and 4 nurses. Three assistant directors work year-round with owner/directors Matt and Paul Krouner.
What is so unique about Schodack's staffing philosophy?
The fact that more than ninety percent of our bunk counselors were former campers is very special and unique. We have long standing personal relationships with these wonderful young adults and their love of Schodack and their special training make them ideal role models and mentors for our campers.