Combination of Structure and Choice

Bunk Activities

We offer six scheduled bunk activity periods each day – three periods take place in the morning, and three in the afternoon. Activity periods are taught by our specialized sports, arts and adventure staff and feature skill learning in a fun, active environment. The whole bunk of campers and their bunk counselors are together during these periods which makes for excellent participation and extra camaraderie.

Campers play basketball in Schodack's gym
Girls practice music at summer camp

Camper’s Choice

In addition there are three Camper Choice Periods everyday where campers may choose to pursue their favorite activities or challenge themselves with something brand new. Every activity is available during Camper Choice Periods and is well supervised by our Activity Staff. Also, several of our Bunk Counselors offer specialized activities (such as cross country, creative writing, and yoga, to name just a few!) during this time, which are tremendously popular.

Smiling girl climbs rock wall toward camera

Special Events

There are tons of special events happening at Schodack – Carnivals, pool parties, talent and skit shows, incredibly spirited Tribals, competitive sports leagues, rocket launches and much more. These exciting events are sprinkled throughout the camp schedule and often create some of the most lasting memories from the summer.

Group of campers having a pool party
Staff member and camper prepare a rocket launch

Daily Schedule

8:00 Breakfast (staggered by age)
9:00 Clean-up
9:30 1st Bunk Activity
10:20 2nd Bunk Activity
11:05 Morning Snack
11:10 3rd Bunk Activity
12:00 Camper Choice
1:00 Line-up
1:10 Lunch
1:40 Rest Period
2:35 4th Bunk Activity
3:25 5th Bunk Activity
4:10 Afternoon Snack
4:25 6th Bunk Activity
5:15 Camper Choice
6:15 Line-up
6:25 Dinner
7:00 Camper Choice
7:45 Shower Time
8:30 Evening Program
9:15 Night Snack and Bedtime
(staggered by age)

Talk to a Schodack family to learn all about the camp experience!