2019 Head Staff Announcement – Division Head


Our latest update is here and we are excited to announce that Simone Teich (former camper, LT, BC, GL, LT Staff) has decided to take on a new role for 2019 by joining the Head Staff as a Division Head. 

Simone is another long time Schodack veteran who we are really excited to have joining the Head Staff team for next summer. She has worked with both boys and girls bunks in her roles as a BC and GL and did an amazing job with both. It is great to have someone with Simone’s long history, positive attitude and happy demeanor joining us again.

Here are Simone’s Top 5 memories of this past summer…

Hi everyone!

For those of you who don’t know me, my name is Simone Teich. I have been here at Schodack since 2008, starting off as a little Menominee Girl living in G4a. From the very first day, I fell in love with camp. Little did I know I would be coming back summer after summer for eleven, going on twelve years. My first summer on staff I was a counselor for the youngest girls on camp, a Comax Girls counselor. I went on the be a Middle Girls counselor for the Yakima Girls. I loved all of my girls so much, but decided it was time for a change. Having been at camp for so long I wanted to try something that hadn’t been done in years. I became a group leader for Junior Boys. I had such an amazing experience that I knew one day I wanted to explore it further. After my summer as a Chicopee Boys Group Leader, I went on to LT Staff, working with the oldest kids on camp. I am so excited to be working with my Junior Boys again, but this time as their Division Head! Having worked with both the youngest girls and boys, and then with the oldest kids on camp, I have learned so much about myself from not only working, but growing up at a place as magical as Camp Schodack. I learned the meaning of kindness, acceptance, warmth and true friendship. There are so many reasons why I decide to come back to camp, too many to count.

Sitting on my couch with the heat on and a hot cup of coffee in hand, I think warm thoughts, dreaming about the summer time. Here are a few of my favorite memories from last summer…

1. Reliving my CIT summer

I remember being a CIT back in 2013 and 2014. I made so many amazing memories and so many new friendships, experiences that I will never forget. The bonds that I created will last a lifetime. Coming back to be CIT staff allowed me to encourage the girls to make their own memories and friendships, the same way that I had all those years ago. Working with these girls was a dream come true, and growing close with all of them was an unforgettable experience.

Simone and the CIT staff of 2018

2. BPN (Bunk Plaque Night)

The CIT candle lighting tradition has always been a very special moment during the summer for both the CIT’s and the Ex-CITS, for as long as anyone can remember. The girls worked so hard to put their amazing summer into words, and perform a song in front of the entire camp. It was an emotional and amazing night when the CIT’s won first place. This was a moment that I will never forget. The girls worked so hard, and as the saying goes, hard work always pays off.

The CITs ahead of BPN 2018

3. Challenge Days

The LT Challenge days are an event that the LT’s look forward to from the time they are junior campers. There was one day where it was cold and rainy, but that wasn’t stopping the fun we had planned. We put a tarp down, covered it in soap, and made a slip and slide at the bottom of the Corral hill. The kids had such an amazing time that they made the staff go too. It was such a fun and carefree day, everyone was running around in the rain, having the best time. Rain or shine, camp always brings a smile to everyones face.

4. Canada

The LT’s take their annual summer trip to Montréal, Canada. We do so many amazing activities, from walking around Old Montréal, going to La Ronde and last but not least, jet-boating! Getting to experience all of these moments with the CIT’s and the Waiters was so awesome. We made so many memories. The staff sat front row in the jet-boats and I was terrified. I ended up having the best time, sitting next to my best friends, and loving every minute. Now I understand why the kids have been looking forward to this trip since junior camp!

5. Banquet

Last but not least, one of my favorite memories from not only this summer but every summer, is the Banquet that the LT’s host for the last dinner on camp. After the meal, all of camp goes outside and we count down the years that everyone has been at camp. This time of the summer allows me to reflect and appreciate all of the amazing years that I have spent at camp.

Thank you guys for listening to my amazing memories from Summer 2018! I am so excited to hear all of the amazing memories that you will make in Summer 2019!

See you this summer!


We are very happy to have Simone on staff again this year and know that she will bring her many years of experience with her from all of the roles she has previously held at Schodack.