I can not put this off any longer, June is quickly approaching and I need to face my fears! Ok, here I go…I am going to take out the camp trunks, rummage through them and figure out needs to be replaced, what I need to buy, label, rewash, fumigate and try to get another summer out of. This year I am going to start early to ward off that, “How am I going to get this done” anxiety!
Year after year packing for camp became a project that I couldn’t help but get attached to. The allotted number of each clothing item is permanently stuck in my head as the items are being compiled. I sit with piles of socks and my sharpie for what seemed like hours. I take out my sewing box and name labels for the rest of the clothes. Blue for Brittney, black for Andrew and I sew away as I sing camp songs from my time at camp… Oh yes, I sew, old school! And once that is finished, I count each item over and over to ensure it’s within the limit.
Once everything is counted, I begin to place the items into the trunks and leave them unzipped once finished for any potential last-minute additions. On the day they are delivered a feeling of relief overwhelms me as if I took the final exam of the semester.
So as June approaches this year these feelings are resurfacing, however after 15 years I surrender my reign over the camp trunks as my children are now adults and onto other endeavors. I must admit I am going to miss this process! As every part of their childhood this seems to have flown by this had too. So when you and your child are discussing which type of sunscreen he or she wants to bring to camp, just pause and take in the moment because these years will fly by!