We are thrilled to announce an exciting addition to our Health Center Team this summer – Tracey Kramar.
Tracey is a Physician Assistant (PA) and will be with us all summer, working closely with Dr. Ditursi, Jess Moriarty, and our full team of nurses. Tracey’s two children, Dylan & Emma, will be first-time campers and her husband, Andrew, will come for visits as well.
We wrote to Tracey to ask her to introduce herself so our families could learn more about her before camp!
Where are you from?
I was born and raised in New York, then moved to New Jersey where I now live with my husband and 2 kids.
We know you are a former camper yourself. What is your favorite memory from your time at camp?
Oh man there are so many I don’t know which to choose. Here are some:
- One year a bagpipe player woke us at 5am and led us to the upper baseball field for color war breakout.
- Walking up to the dining hall for meals hand in hand with my friends.
- The last night of camp writing our wishes on a plate with a candle and sending it off into the lake.
- Singing a solo in Bye Bye Birdie – why did they let me sing??
What was your favorite camp meal?
Pizza dinners and cinnamon toast for breakfast were favorites.
What skills or life-lessons do you most hope your children learn from camp?
What I want more than anything is for my kids to learn who they are and to be proud of who they are. I hope they try new activities and push themselves out of their comfort zone. I hope that summers at camp means as much to them as it did to me.