Hello! Welcome to our latest newsletter and round-up of everything Schodack from the month of November. As always, there has been lots happening at the 12123, and our year-round team never stops working to make sure Schodack is the best it can possibly be!
So sit back and enjoy our November round-up!
First Snow at Camp!
Many of you will have seen that we just had our first big snowfall at Camp. We (obviously) think that Camp looks amazing all year-round but it looks particularly breathtaking in the snow. Check out the pictures below…

Holiday Mystery Box
Orders are in and it’s BIGGER and BETTER than Ever!
For the second year running our Holiday Mystery Boxes were a huge hit! We topped our goal and sold over 180 Mystery Boxes, raising more than $13K for the Schodack Campership Initiative (SCI)! People can’t wait to see what’s inside them!
If you got a Holiday Mystery Box this year, we want to see pictures of you opening them and finding out what’s inside. Boxes will ship in time for the holidays.
Send your pictures to [email protected] and we will be sure to include them in our next newsletter.
Construction Updates
Our exciting construction projects are moving along. The brand new Office and Welcome Center is looking more and more complete every day and we cannot wait to officially move into this fantastic new space!

Some of you thought that you would never see the day but…we now have a second tunnel at Krouner Rd! As you can see below, there are still some finishing touches to complete but the new tunnel has been installed and this addition will be hugely popular for everyone! The only question remaining is…which tunnel will now be the coolest place on Camp???

Sports Success for Schodackians!
Schodack has lots of super athletes who compete on our courts and fields and we want to highlight 3 incredible recent stories of athletic successes within our Schodack family.⠀⠀
First…a big shout out to Nate Ramras whose Needham Rockets played for the Massachusetts Division 1 State Championship in Soccer. They lost in a close game but Nate, a Senior Starter, had an assist in the Sectional final that helped his team get through a 2-1 overtime win against Lincoln Sudbury in the State semi-final.

In addition, Brooke Klurman’s Scotch Plains-Fanwood (NJ) soccer team made it all the way to the State finals also. She got to play with sister (and Schodack alum) Leah during an amazing season. Congratulations Klurmans!

In other great Schodack sports news, Lauren Rubenstein (aka Lauren Basketball) has captained the Brandeis Judges Basketball team to a 4-1 start in their young season. After starting the season 3-0 they lost a tough game at nationally-ranked number two Tufts but went on to pick up their fourth win shorty after. Go Lauren!

It is always great to read about the amazing achievements of our campers, staff, and alumni. If you or someone you know has done something amazing on or off the field, be sure to let us know about it so that we can share it with the rest of the Schodack family.
Camper Updates
Our campers are up to some pretty amazing things all throughout the year, not just when they are at Schodack. We thought it would be great to share some of their inspiring stories with you.
Amazing work this month by Jax Ciscone. Jax was voted ‘Upstander of the Week’ at Albert Leonard Middle School out of 1100 students. Teachers, administrators, and security vote for a student that exhibits positivity, empathy, inclusiveness, and anti-bullying.
The initiative is sponsored by the NY Jets so Jax also wins 2 tix to an upcoming game.
We are so proud of Jax and the great work he is doing!
If you or another member of the Schodack community (camper, staff member, alumni or parent) are doing something amazing in your school, town or sports team (or just have something really cool that you’d like to share), get in touch! Email us at [email protected]
Alumni Corner
An amazing event took place recently with Schodack Legends gathering from near and far. Friends who first bonded at Schodack over 40-50 years ago came together to reunite at a 1970’s Camp Schodack Reunion. These pictures prove that Schodack friendships last a lifetime!

There was also a meeting of Camp friends when Wendy Kaplan Lager (1972-1976 & 2002-2009) and Michelle Ungerman Sanders (1974-1975 & 2004-2005) caught up in NYC this month

Wedding Congratulations!
Huge congratulations to former camper, LT and staff member Carly Weiss who recently got married! There was a lot of Schodack love in the room as you can see from the picture below!

From the Archives
We know how much you all love seeing old Camp pics, so we thought that each month we would share something from our archives. We hope you enjoy the trip down memory lane as much as we do…
Here is a picture from ‘Prom Night’ in 1965. Can you work out where it was taken???
Huge thanks to Robin Roberts for sending in this picture.

Camp Events!
Meet & Greet in New Jersey
We held the 3rd of our fall ‘Meet & Greets’ where our Leadership Team visited with campers, parents and friends in New Jersey – this time at the wonderful Bohemian Raspberry! Thanks for coming by!
We want to throw a huge shoutout to everyone that came to any of our ‘Meet & Greet’ events this fall!
Winter Reunion Right Around the Corner
Our Winter Reunion is almost here!!! On December 7th we will be at Sportime USA in Elmsford, New York and cannot wait to see all of you! Our Winter Reunion is always a wonderful day and we are looking forward to catching up with so many of you.