Camp is off to a great start!
The first week of camp has been fantastic! We’ve all been enjoying the beautiful sunny weather as things pick up speed at Camp Schodack. Ultra Leagues are back, activities are in full effect, and rehearsals for Frozen have begun! There’ve been pool parties, bonfires with delicious s’mores, and a game of 3-way soccer. The entire camp had a blast at All For One and came together to enjoy a firework display on the Fourth of July.
Bunks have begun to prepare for the Talent Show and are very excited for all of the camp-wide events coming up this summer. The dining hall rings with sounds of laughter and things at the lake have been going swimmingly. The summer has only begun and there is so much to look forward to!

Special Events
On Sunday, the entire camp participated in All For One! The event was led by the LTs and featured an assortment of activities that campers could partake in to win points for their team. Everyone came clad in their July 4th best as they played various games like corn hole and 9 square.
Campers put on their star-spangled thinking caps for math games and a blind taste test wherein they had to guess what flavor of Skittle they were eating. After the event, points were tallied and the teams with the highest points received a special treat!

Division Spotlight- Junior Camp
Junior Girls

Hi everyone! The Junior Girls have had a blast this week, from zipping down the waterslide to having ice cream parties the smiles and laughs are never-ending. Both the Acorns and the rest of the Junior Girls bunks had a pool party for night activity full of lots of splashes and giggles.
On July 4th, we had a special all-camp event called All for One! We went around to different stations led by the Leadership Trainees and got to play games and do fun challenges. Everyone loved participating throughout the day.
The night ended with red, white, and blue sugar cookies and fireworks by the tennis courts!
Below are a few fun highlights from this past week…
The Acorn Girls spent a couple of campers’ choices preparing for the elaborate wedding ceremony hosted at their lovely G4b porch. Paul, Linda, Matt, and Olivia Krouner were all in attendance, along with some of the other junior girls’ bunks.
The Beech Girls are always having so much fun, whether it’s doing cartwheels around the bunk or dancing their way around camp, they are constantly sharing lots of laughs with one another. They love their counselor Lindsey’s “Lambchop” puppet so much that they are even incorporating him into their talent show this weekend!
The Cypress Girls in G1 have started their own rest hour spa, including manicures, pedicures, and some hair braiding! They have been loving flipping around at gymnastics, swimming in the pool, and dancing their hearts out with Dusty Dance.
The Dogwood Girls all killed it at the climbing tower and were trying to see who could climb the most walls (the majority of them climbed 2+ walls in just a short activity period!). They have also been practicing for Talent Show at any free moment they get… we are very excited for them to perform on Sunday!
The Hickory Girls have had a great first week! During arts and crafts, they made cute birds’ nests out of clay and then were able to paint them however they want. All of the girls had so much fun coloring the eggs in different colors and making each one unique in its own way.
They always say, “time flies by when you’re having fun” and we are already done with week one!
Xoxo, Morgan
Junior Boys

G’day! Here in Junior Camp we’ve had a jam-packed, fun-filled week.
We’ve had perfect weather for all our amazing activities, from Scho-karts to Archery to the JCP, the Junior Boys have conquered them all with smiles and laughter!
The Acorn Boys of B4 have had a great first week! Always bounding to activities with much enthusiasm. They had the best time on the camping overnight cooking s’mores and sleeping in tents.
The Beech Boys of B1 have been perfecting their spike ball skills at every spare moment and creating some amazing pieces in Arts & Crafts. They let me join them in a fun filled activity of Tennis, where they caught this DH out at least ten times in a games of King of the court.
The Cypress Boys of B1a have been keeping things up with many games of 9-Square, and trying to get their Scho-kart license. They had the best time on trip day to Grafton State Park, where they weren’t deterred by the slightly chilly water, they loved playing in the sand and digging on the shoreline.
The Dogwood Boys of B have been spending a lot of time on the Junior Camp Playground. Whether they are playing basketball during camper choice, a quick game of Gaga awaiting mms or having a fun game of tetherball between activities, they’ve been having a great time!
The Hickory Boys of the Farmhouse have been the most enthusiastic at gymnastics, working on their vaults and gaining skills on the trampoline track. They also found their shoes with such speed at our night activity of shoe hunt. They always love visiting the pool to say hello to their CAIL Felipe!
On July 4th, we had a special all-camp event called All for One! We went around to different stations led by the Leadership Trainees and got to play games and do fun challenges. Everyone loved participating throughout the day and getting to eat dinner cookout style.
The night ended with a special themed night snack and amazing fireworks by the tennis courts!
We even had a very special ice cream party this week, and I’ve never seen bigger smiles or more toppings. From sprinkles, gummy bears and chocolate syrup! It turned into a bit of a dance party too!
We are all eagerly awaiting Talent Show this weekend, the junior boys have been learning and preparing their skits, and can’t wait to see you on stage!
Division Write Ups
Middle Girls
The Middle Girls have had a wonderful first full week of camp with so many activities, events, and fun!
Although it seems early, the Middle Girls have hit the ground running and are already well underway with their talent show rehearsals! They are so excited to show them to the rest of camp and are all hoping to be the bunk who gets a win!
The Sequoia Girls had an exciting start to their summer by being given the honor of leading the walk to the very first Fire Circle of this year. They walked proudly and confidently as they helped Matt and Paul to lead the whole camp to the Amphitheater!
The Redwood Girls have had a fab time at cooking class. They made some very delicious chocolate chip cookies with pretzels, marshmallows and sprinkles to top!
The Mahogany Girls have been busy in Gymnastics, with some amazing tumbling and skills being practiced to perfection!
The Willow Girls enjoyed an adventure at the lake, where after a thrilling couple of hours water skiing and banana boating, the bus back to camp got stuck in the mud! Luckily for the Willow Girls, Matt, Paul and members of head staff came to the rescue which the girls found even more exciting than the lake itself!
Overall, it has been another fun-filled week here at Camp! From camp wide events like All For One and a trip to Grafton Park, to night activities such as the 4th of July Firework display, the Middle Girls have been enjoying every moment! We can’t wait to share even more next week!
Middle Boys
What a fantastic first week at Schodack!! The Middle boys are loving activities and making awesome friendships with their bunk mates! Our sunny, cloudless days have been filled with smiles, laughs, and fun.
Talent Show, the first leg of triple crown, is right around the corner and each bunk has been hard at work preparing their skit. We are all so excited for a great day filled with performances from the entire camp!
The Middle Boys had an incredible day celebrating America’s 246th birthday this July 4th! We had a special all-camp event called All for One! Each bunk went from station to station to participate in a series of activities, ranging from poem writing to skittle guessing to free throw shooting to even a Declaration of Independence reciting!
The night concluded with red, white and blue cookies and fireworks! A huge shout out to the Sequoia Boys who racked up the most points during the day! They will receive a special prize in the coming days.
This past Tuesday was our first trip to Grafton Lake. The Middle Boys enthusiastically swam in the water, built sand castles, played on the playground and enjoyed a delicious BBQ.
The Mahogany Boys had a great time making cool designs on color changing paper. Their bunk is right next to the Junior Camp Playground, so they have been improving their tetherball, gaga and basketball skills all summer long!
The Sequoia Boys are loving the lake and Scho-karts. They have been alternating between water skiing, wakeboarding, knee boarding and small boats. Additionally, Scho-karts have been a great time—a lot of them are definitely ready to get their car and real licenses!
The Redwood Boys are constantly laughing and having fun with their card games. They love swimming, baseball and the climbing tower. They have definitely made B2 their summer home!
These are just a few of the highlights from the first week! The Middle Boys have an amazing summer ahead of them!
All the best,
Jeremy Schmelkin
Senior Girls
We’ve had a fantastic first week here at camp, and the Senior girls have done so many fun and exciting things so far.
All the senior girls headed down to the lake for the first time this summer, practicing their best wakeboarding and knee boarding skills. The lake was full of kayaks and paddleboards, with the girls having such a relaxing time down there.
The Senior 1 girls had a fun hockey period, guessing the movie and showing off their impressive shooting skills in a super fun drill.
The Senior 2 girls played an intense game of freeze dance, followed by learning a fun dance routine to 24K Magic.
The Senior 3 girls had their first cooking period of the summer, making tasty cookies with fun toppings.
We’ve had some super fun senior camp night activities. Zumba was a huge success with all the campers and staff having the best time and dancing along to all the songs.
We’ve had such a fun week here at camp, we can’t wait to see what next week brings!
Senior Boys
The Senior Boys had an amazing first week at camp! A week full of activities, bonding with their bunkmates, and beginning their journey of triple crown!
All of senior camp has been hard at work creating an amazing talent show full of jokes, costumes, and dances! We already have campers choreographing their dances on the quad porch, or practicing their lines in their bunk. We are super excited to see everyone perform in a few days!
The senior boys had an amazing 4th of July. We started the day off going to all of our favorite activities. We then had a super fun 4th of July themed dinner with music, decorations, and tons of fun. We capped off the eventful day with a spectacular firework show over by the tennis courts.
The LTs put on an all camp contest called “All For One” where the led several different games and activities in which you could win points for your bunk. Our Senior 1 boys won first place!
We got a little groovy for night activity this week and had an all Upper Camp Zumba/Dance party! All of the Senior Boys made sure that they dressed to impress with neon clothing, head bands, and glow sticks.
We have already had so much fun over the first week and we cannot wait for the weeks to come!
The campers have been enjoying being out on the courts and in the fields. There’ve been games of freeze dance and lots of bracelet making. Our adventure team hit the trails on Thursday for a trip to Savoy State Park. There, campers enjoyed flame-grilled tacos and a lovely view.
The Acorns also got to partake in their own overnight trip on campus. A sky full of stars, good company and a warm fire capped off their night. In the morning, they went on a frog finding expedition. They found at least fifteen before breakfast time.
At tennis, Tom Bain returned to teach more private tennis lessons. Campers have had a blast out on the court with resident tennis instructor.
LTS at The First Challenge Day of The Summer
Scoop of The Week
Every morning, our campers enjoy a new issue of Camp Schodack’s daily newsletter: The Schodack Scoop. Here is a snippet of one of the issues that went out this week!
And with that, you are all caught up on everything that has happened at Camp Schodack this week! We will be back next week with updates on all of the exciting events happening. Talent Show, Middle Camp Division Spotlight, and much more!