Triple Crown, Tribals and So Much More!
This week has been a blast! On Sunday we held the first leg of the Triple Crown – Talent Show – and what a show it was! Taking place under the trees in the Amphitheater for the very first time gave the whole event new energy. Take a look at our pics below to see everyone in costume before they took to the stage!
Our second theme dinner of the summer was Italian Night and the whole camp sat down together to enjoy music, chicken alfredo with garlic bread, and Italian ice for dessert! Tennis Pro Tom Bain was back again giving private lessons on the courts and ACS Andrew has been running one on one golf lessons with campers out at the Driving Range. We also had an amazing special event – The Wettest Day EVER! Which featured not 1, not 2, but 3 incredible waterslides, with one of them being 36′ high!
While all of this has been happening there has been something strange in the Schodack neighborhood…as ghost sightings have become pretty common! That’s right, 2-DAY TRIBALS is right around the corner and only the Schodack Ghostbusters can help our campers get to the bottom of what’s going on.
All in all, it has been another jam-packed week of fun-filled activities and special events which you can read more about below – Enjoy!
Talent Show
Below are photos of each of our bunks before they went on stage for the first leg of the Triple Crown – The Talent Show.
Wettest Day Ever!!
When we do Special Events here at Schodack, we like to make sure we do them right and this week was no exception. Doug, Eli, and Carter pulled out all the stops to make Tuesday extra fun for everyone on camp.
The morning was spent doing water-themed games and activities including time at the pool, a scavenger hunt, and Aqua kickball! Then after lunch, they took things to the next level with the ever-popular Kona Ice truck making flavored ices for everyone as well as opening up 3 incredible waterslides for people to play on for the whole afternoon!
Division Spotlight – Middle Camp!
Middle Boys
Hey everyone! The Middle Boys have had so much fun this week, whether it was balling out on the Junior Camp Playground, grooming the horses, hitting dingers at baseball, sliding down the water slide, performing at Talent Show, or just laughing all night! The Middle Boys recently had a pool party for night activity which was nothing but fun!
The very first leg of the Triple Crown took place this week! Even though acting on stage in front of the whole camp can be a scary thought, the Redwood, Mahogany, and Sequoia Boys put on hilarious skits! The Sequoia Boys even got first place with their performance of Bailey Speaks. And the Mahogany Boys took home the bronze with a camp rendition of Chip and Dale.
The Wettest Day Ever sure was wet! On this hot summer Tuesday, campers played games in the pool, went on a water-themed scavenger hunt, plays aqua-kickball, and slid down a nearly 36-foot-long water slide. To end off the refreshing day, snow cones were distributed, where campers could add lots of varying flavors. This was a much-needed day after a week of the sun blazing on us!
Here are a few more awesome highlights from the week…
The Redwood Boys love their card games whether played during rest hour, campers choice, or even in the morning! With some of the boxes that they have, the Redwoods have created mini insect homes, adorned with grass, moss, twigs and are watered every day. They are also avid fans of the activities here in the 12123, like basketball, horseback riding, baseball, archery, and arts and crafts!
The Mahogany Boys recently won the night activity called ABC scavenger hunt, so will be receiving an extra canteen in the coming days. They LOVE playing tetherball, Gaga, and basketball on the JCP whenever they have a chance. At the lake, the boys were able to take out the mega paddle board and row throughout the placid water. During arts and crafts, some boys made and designed rocket ships and launched them!
The Sequoia Boys love playing spike ball, throwing around a baseball, and playing UNO whenever they have the chance. They killed it at the climbing tower and some campers even got to the top of all of the walls! Scho-karts are also a huge hit with these boys, as they love driving around during their activity period or campers choice.
It is hard to believe how fast this summer has gone by so far! The Middle Boys are having a blast and we can’t wait to see what else is in store for the rest of the summer!
All the best,
Jeremy Schmelkin
Middle Girls
Division Write-Ups
Junior Boys
Junior Camp had a fabulous week at Schodack! Bunks and activities were filled with smiling faces and camp cheer!
For our special event this week we had the “Wettest Day Ever!”, where the junior boys conquered three water slides, one of which was 36ft tall! We cooled off with some shaved ice from the Kona Ice Truck, where many flavors were tried! We finished the day with creative sand sculpting on the volleyball court, where we all got a little dirty. =
The Acorn Boys have been loving playing scrimmage at soccer, their teamwork and goal scoring are second to none, they also always welcome anyone to their games of Gaga on the JCP.
The Beech Boys had an exciting start to the week claiming 1st place title in Junior Camp Talent Show! Their rendition of ‘The Beech-elor’ stole the show, belly laughs could be heard all the way from the amphitheater to archery.
The Cypress Boys had a great turnout for the Junior Boys overnight, where s’mores were cooked around the campfire before getting snuggly in their tent for the night.
The Dogwood Boys have been having the best time playing sharks and minnows at hockey. But I think their favorite is scoring goals on their counselors!
The Hickory Boys took the crown for the cleanest bunk on camp, with the Cleanliness Cup!
Now it is not only the oldest bunk on camp, but also the cleanest!
There has been some whispering of Ghostbusters and ghosts around camp, the junior boys hope the ghostbusters are victorious in saving our camp and tribals!
Next week we have Lip Sync, the second leg of Triple Crown can wait to see you all up there again!
Junior Girls
Hi everyone!
The Acorn and Junior Girls have had a blast this week, from zipping down the waterslide to performing talent shows in front of the camp, the smiles and laughs are never-ending. Below are a few fun highlights from this past week…
The trip day this week was the Wettest Day Ever and all of the Junior Girls had the best time running around on all of the waterslides. Most of them were even brave enough to go down the biggest one that was almost as tall as the climbing tower!!!
The Acorn Girls absolutely killed their Talent Show performance, placing 2nd with a dance to “What Does The Fox Say”. They were all dressed up as the cutest little animals and had so much fun!
The Beech Girls have been building the coolest forts with their bottom bunks! They all love to cozy up and hang out in them during rest hours. You can always find most of them at gymnastics flipping around or arts and crafts having lots of fun.
The Cypress Girls all finally got to tie dye their shirts at Arts and Crafts! Now we are just waiting for them to be ready to wear for a bunk tie dye day around camp! For Talent Show, they all dressed up as veggies and did the cutest dance!
The Hickory Girls have been loving being able to go down to the lake and get in waterskiing, wakeboarding, kneeboarding, and small boats! They are definitely taking advantage of the beautiful weather we’ve been having.
The Dogwood Girls have been hosting a wonderful spa during rest hours including lots of nail painting. Along with the spa days they mix in some dance parties every now and then!
As the first session of the summer is nearing its end, we still have so much to look forward to! In the next week, we have Lip Sync, 2-Day Tribals, and lots of fun all around! We can’t believe this week is already coming to a close! We know that more fun is up ahead and are soaking in each and every moment!
Xoxo, Morgan
Upper Boys
The Senior Boys had another amazing week at the 12123!
Talent show was definitely the highlight of everyone’s week. The Senior 1 boys put on a hilarious show of “Dhar Matt.” The boys worked hard to put together one of the funniest shows on camp, and they even placed 3rd for upper camp! The Senior 2 boys put on “Senior Who?” which had a stellar dance number which was completely original. The Senior 3 boys put on “Schodack Jam” which not only had a zumba session, but even had an intense basketball scene. Lastly, the Senior 4 boys also put on a hilarious show of “Bishop Schodack” where they went on a journey to find 5 of the best counselors to compete in a dodgeball competition. All the boys put on incredible performances and now they are hard at work for the next competition of lip sync!
The boys also had a blast at the “Wettest Day Ever”! We started the day off with some snowcones and slip and slide kickball, then had a water balloon fight in the quad. We then got some time on the giant inflatable water slides where they even had a 36ft Mega Slide that launched you in there air. The boys spent hours running around to the different slides and even had competitions to see how high they could launch off of the mega slide.
The Senior boys had another incredible week and are even more excited for next!
Upper Girls
We had another amazing week here at Camp Schodack, with so much fun all around.
All the Senior girls put on a great display for Talent Show, practicing really hard and impressing all. The Senior 1 Girls put on a great show of Rick and Morty, showing off camp through the ages. The Senior 2 Girls did their take on the Truman show and wowed the crowd with dances and a great script. The Senior 3 girls wowed with a dance mash-up, showing off their great dance moves. All the girls worked really hard and were brilliant.
This week we all had the best time during Wettest Day Ever; with the girls having fun in the pool and on the water slide. To cool down we all enjoyed a Kona Ice, refreshing for us all after a long hot day.
The Senior 1 girls made their debut at the Lake, showing off their knee boarding and wakeboarding skills! They all had so much fun and can’t wait to do it again soon.
The Senior 2 girls had some fun activity-filled days, with Tennis, Lacrosse, and Soccer. Showing off their sportier side and participating well.
The Senior 3 girls had some fun activities, including Dance where they learned some really fun dances, picking them up really quickly.
Night activities have been super fun, with a Senior camp bombardment night. Counselors and campers got into the spirit and had an enjoyable evening, before heading straight to the showers to wash it all away. We’ve enjoyed a senior camp movie night, as well as an evening of dress your counselor.
We’ve had a really fun week here at camp and can’t wait to see what next week brings!
The LTs have had another amazing week. Both the Waiters and the CITs performed tremendously well at Talent Show on Sunday. The CITs’ lead performers were taken out of the running with only a few days to go, and yet roles were changed, adaptations made (once it became clear the performance would be in the amphitheater) and the show in fact…went on! The Waiters ended up earning the judges’ vote, but hopefully, the life lesson for both groups has been learned loud and clear – that the process, the work, and the performance are what really counted. Here were two groups of young men and women pulling in the same direction and achieving great things.
As we go to press, the LTs are looking forward to some well-earned ice cream from Lickety Split, to supervising the campers at night so that some counselors can enjoy some well-earned time off and – perhaps most poignantly – making cards for kids who have been hospitalized as part of their community service project. The LTs and staff have been wonderfully resilient in the face of both LTs and their staff having been taken out of commission in the past week – but with numbers returning, the future looks bright!
What else has been going on…
And there is another week in a nutshell…We could go on and on about things like theme dinners, sports tournaments, specialist activity sessions, amazing line-ups, Camper Choice challenges, and more. So much happens here every day at Schodack that if we tried to tell you everything, we’d never stop writing!
Keep an eye on your inbox next Friday when the next of our summer newsletters will be coming your way!